ADU Units Services in Long Beach CA

Choose professional ADU units services in Long Beach, CA. We make extra homes easy. Our team helps with design and building. Upgrade your space now!

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Top Rated ADU Units Services in Long Beach CA

Discover the smart solution for your home in Long Beach, CA! At Pro Builders, we are the best choice for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), making your property more valuable and versatile. Whether you want extra income, space for family, or to boost property value, we’ve got you covered.

Your Vision, Our Expertise
Share your ideas, and our skilled team will turn them into reality. Whether it’s a detached unit, converted garage, or attached space, we’ve got the design and construction expertise.

Quality Construction
Our construction team is top-notch, ensuring your ADU is built with precision and quality materials. We focus on the details so your ADU stands out.
We’re a top ADU units services provider in Long Beach, known for successful projects.

Top Rated ADU Units Services in Long Beach CA

Premium Home Improvement Solutions

Home Extensions

Home Extensions

We can add more space to your home, just the way you want it. It's like giving your home a little upgrade to make it more useful and pretty.

Sunrooms Additions

Sunrooms Additions

If you love sunlight and nature, try our sunroom additions. These rooms have big, energy-efficient windows so that you can enjoy them all year round.

Garage Conversions

Garage Conversions

Turn your garage into something useful! We can transform it into a home office, gym, or whatever you need.

Bump Outs

Bump Outs

Our bump-out solutions are customized expansions for specific needs, giving you extra room without a huge commitment.

Second Story

Second Story Additions

Our second-story additions are designed carefully and built by experts to give you a stylish and practical extension.

Game Rooms

Game Rooms

Add some fun to your home with a game room! Whether you like billiards or video games, we can create a space for entertainment.

Get Expert ADU Units Contractors Near You

Get Expert ADU Units Contractors Near You

Maximize your property’s potential with our expert ADU units services in Long Beach, Irvine, and Burbank, California. We specialize in creating versatile units for extra living space or rental income.

Expertise: We understand all the rules and guidelines for building granny flats in California, making your project smooth and hassle-free.
Quality Matters: We use top-notch materials and follow strict construction standards, ensuring your granny flat is strong, durable, and looks great.
Custom Designs: Your granny flat will be designed to match your style and needs perfectly.

Our home contractors can assist you in making the most of your property and contributing to the housing future.


Pasadena, CA 

Anaheim, CA

Irvine, CA 

Los Angeles, CA

Long Beach, CA 

Burbank, CA

Santa Ana, CA 

Energy-Efficient ADU Units Construction in California

Imagine having a special, self-contained living space right in your backyard that fits perfectly with your surroundings in Irvine. These extra living spaces, also known as Accessory Dwelling Units, can make your property more valuable and your life better.

Why Pick Energy Efficient ADU Units Services:
Help the Planet
Boost Property Value
Flexible Living

We can help you with everything related to ADUs, from designing and planning to building them. Our team has the skills and expertise to make sure your ADU looks great with your home and follows all the rules in Irvine. Contact us now for an energy-efficient Accessory Dwelling Unit to raise your property’s value.

Energy-Efficient ADU Units Construction in California
Professional Wardrobes And Closets Solutions

Professional Wardrobes And Closets Solutions

Enhance your home in Burbank, CA, with our top-notch ADU Units services. We’re experts in creating cozy In-law Suites and flexible Secondary Living Spaces, offering stylish wardrobe and closet designs.

At Pro Builders, we’re proud to be the best – we make things with care and it doesn’t cost too much. Our team makes your place useful and stylish. Trust us to upgrade your home easily with our ADU Units, making nice In-law Suites and rooms that can be whatever you want. 

Get great design and save money with our expert home expansion solutions. Call us to change your space and make your life better today!

Contact us

Connect with us for expert ADU unit solutions and friendly service.

About Us

Whether you want more space with cool extensions, sunrooms full of sunshine, or a game room for fun, we’ve got you covered.